17th Convocation, 2023

17th Convocation, 2023

17th Convocation, 2023

17th Convocation, 2023

17th Convocation, 2023

Diploma Programme on Panchayati Raj Governance & Rural Development (DP-PRGRD)

Aim & Strategy

NIRD&PR under the “Transforming India” initiatives has launched a significant project “Transforming India through strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) by continuous Training and e-enablement”. The one year Diploma Programme on “Panchayati Raj Governance and Rural Development” is part of this projectand will be offered in coordination with the Centre for Panchayati Raj, NIRD&PR. This Programme offers an opportunity to the elected representatives, Panchayat functionaries and others, to acquire additional knowledge and skills on rural local governance. This programme is being offered through distance mode in collaboration with University of Hyderabad (UoH), Hyderabad.

The Following are the programme objectives :

  • Bridge the capacity building gaps of PR functionaries in a time bound manner.
  • Offer opportunity for any individual to engage with the society and pay back through the medium of Panchayati Raj (PR).
  • Enable the Elected Representatives (ERs) to acquire additional skills, toenhance their own repute and political career.
  • Provide opportunity for the former ERs to acquire a diploma based on their experience.
  • Create a competitive ecosystem in the ERs and PR officials for better performance.
  • Create certified ERs who can act as Master Resource Persons.


Admission Procedure

The applicants have to register online for the programme by accessing www.nird.org.in.Applicants should upload attested Xerox Copies of marks sheets, degree certificate and other relevant academic / professional record. Weightage in selection would be given only on the basis of certificates and transcripts that are attached.The candidates selected for admission will intimated by post. The list of selected candidate will also be displayed on the NIRD&PR website.Only the applicants who pay the fees within the stipulated date are treated as admitted. Verification of all the original certificates will be done at the time of contact classes. Candidates will be permitted to appear for the term-end examination only after the verification of relevant original certificates, until then their admission will be provisional.

Programme Fee

The fee of the One Year Diploma Programme on Panchayati Raj Governance and Rural Development is Rs 10000/-(Rs. Ten Thousandonly). Candidates admitted have to pay the relevant fee in two equal instalmentsor in one lump-sum within the prescribed date mentioned in the Admission Offer Letter. All payments should be made through Online. No other mode of payment shall be accepted.Fee once paid will not be returned. All disputes are subject to the Greater Hyderabad Jurisdiction.

Fee for Foreign Students/NRIs

Admitted students will deposit a Programme Fee of US$ 1700 at the commencement of First Semester itself.


The minimum educational qualification for admission is Graduation in any discipline. The following categories of functionaries are encouraged for this programme:

  • Current and former Elected Representatives of PRIs.
  • Officials of PRIs, existing trainers associated with SIRDPRs/Partnering Institutions of NIRD&PR.
  • Academicians and students who desire to have knowledge on PR Governance.
  • Retired and Current Government Officials and NGO functionaries.


The programme isspread over two terms (semester system) in a year. Those who are not in a position to complete all the papers in the two terms at a stretch can defer a term or a part thereof, provided they complete the programme within a total period of three years, including the year in which the students are enrolled.

Reservation for SC/ ST/ OBC applicants :

Reservations for SC/ST/OBC students will be in accordance with the policy of the Government of India and the guidelines of the University Grants Commission. Applicants should submit a copy of their caste/tribe certificate issued by a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahasildar / Mandal Revenue Officer.

Reservation for Physically Challenged Applicants

Three percent of admissions are reserved for physically challenged applicant with the minimum degree of disability to the extent of forty percent, provided that their physical disability does not hamper pursuit of the course. Each physically handicapped applicant shall be required to submit a certificate from a Civil Surgeon indicating the extent of visual/physical disability and also the extent to which the disability hampers the student in pursuing his/her studies.

How to Apply

The Information Brochure can be downloaded from NIRD&PR's Website http://admissions.nirdpr.org.in . The filled-in online Application accompanied by a payment gateway for Rs. 500/-(for Gen/OBC) & Rs. 300/-(for SC/ST/PH candidates) towards Application Fee along with attested copies of the required Certificates as mentioned in the Application Form should be uploaded through online process.

Student Support Services

  • Self – Instructional Study material.
  • Soft Copies of study materials will be sent by email.
  • Contact Sessions
  • Assignments
  • FAQs6.Regular uploads in the Website

Course Structure and Contents

The program will be for duration of one year (two semesters) with 28 creditsin total. There will be 7courses including a course on Project Work. One credit will be equivalent to 15 hrs of learning which include going through course content and working on assignments. The medium of instruction of the programme is English. The seven courses are as follows. Each course carries 100 marks.

Course Name
PRGRD-1: Democratic Decentralisation and Local Governance
PRGRD-2: Panchayat Management
PRGRD-3: Social Empowerment and Inclusive Development
PRGRD-4: Approaches to Sustainable Rural Development
PRGRD-5: Leadership Development, Training and e-Enablement
PRGRD-6: Governance in Schedule Areas
PRGRD-7: Project work

Internal Assessment of Assignments

The topics of assignments will be given at the end of each unit and the participants have tosubmit the written assignments. Submission of Assignments is compulsory to appear for term-end examination. The assignments will be evaluatedand awarded with marks by the NIRDPR programmecoordinators.

Term End Examination

Performance of the participantwill be assessed through a term-end examination. The candidates should score minimum of 40 percent in the term end exam. Only those candidateswho satisfactorily complete assignments before the stipulated date are eligible to take the term-end examinations.

Project Work

All the candidates shall have to submit a ProjectReport to fulfilthe requirement for award of diploma. The participants are free to select the topic of field study / project work from out of the list of theprojects prepared by the programmecoordinators. The project report will be evaluated by a team of experts of NIRD&PR. The broad outline of the format and the method of field study will be explained during contact sessions.The maximum marks for Project Report is 100.The participants have to score minimum 40 percent marks in the project work

Final Results

A candidate is declared passed in the programme only if he/she secures a minimum of 40 percent marks in all, providedhe/she secures a minimum of 40 percent marks in theterm end examinations. Candidates with less than 40 percent marks in aggregate in any course may appear for re-examination in the next term-end examination.The conduct of examination, evaluation, declaration of results, issue of marks sheet, provisional certificate and other related matters will be as per norms ofUGCGuidelines. After successful completion of the Programme thecandidate will be awarded Diploma from University of Hyderabad, Hyderabadand the National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad.


The evaluation system is designed to test the participants’ progress systematically through internal assessment as well as term-end examination.The candidates will be evaluated for 100 marks for each course. The evaluation system will consist of 10 percent for the attendance during contact classes, 30 per cent assignments (hands on exercises) and 60 per cent for the semester end/ year end written exam based on reading and learning materials.

1 Assignments 30 Marks 2 Contact classes 10 Marks 3 Semester-end Final Examination 60 Marks Total 100 Marks Project Evaluation and Viva Voce 100 Marks